Tuesday 4th October - commute.

 I woke in the early hours of the morning, which in itself is not unusual, but this morning's insomnia was accompanied by the creaking of the neighbour's shop sign and a muted roar of wind in the chimney. I made a half hearted attempt to get back to the warmth of slumber, but in reality knew that I was awake and sleep was again a memory. 

In the the kitchen the first of the autumnal gales was battering the window and stripping the trees of their summer finery. I filled the kettle with the feeling it going to be a very long day and an equally hard cycle. 

The morning commute was hard going but I kept my head down and kept moving. Typically when the time came to head home, the wind dropped  and I didn't have any of the hoped for assistance.  

Lights on. 

Commuting total 1413 miles. 


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