Wednesday 20th July - commute.

 There were a few showers of rain overnight and thankfully it was a bit cooler in the morning. If I manage to keep cycling into the autumn and winter months I'll probably look back fondly on the summer heat, but at present it has been too much. 

This morning's ride was uneventful. 

Despite changing the chain, I'm not totally happy with the smoothness of the drive train. There are still the occasional clicks, so I've ordered a new rear sprocket. 

Theres been a very new looking hub drive ebike in the bike shed at work for a few days. Until this evening it didn't seem to have moved. What made me notice it was the forks were assembled back to front. I thought about leaving a note, offering to swap them around but wasn't sure how the owner would take it. Anyway, they must have headed off on a very twitchy cycle to somewhere else. 

The cycle home was a bit harder than usual as the light wind was coming from the east. That will definitely cool things down.

Commuting total 345.3 miles.


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