Thursday 28th July - commute

 I wasn't really in a mood for cycling this morning. Thursdays seem to find me running out of steam but I headed out and ended up attacking the route and making good time 

I met two hares on the road just after this photo was taken. It's a little backroad that runs parallel with my route for a short distance and probably costs time to take, but it's quiet and I like it. 

It started raining soon after I arrived at work and was raining again when I left. I put my waterproof jacket on, but decided to risk it with the humvee shorts as they dry really quickly. 

After a few miles the rain got heavier so I cut into some woods to shelter for a bit. While I sat under a tree I spotted an old bottle which I dug up, looked at and then, not really knowing what to do with it, I left it in the crook of the trunk. 

The rain stopped as it always does and the rest of the journey was accompanied by the hiss of tyres through puddles.

Commuting total 489.5 miles.


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